Been a while since i posted,so i have finally have some spare moments!!!
Am on holidays up in Sydney,housesitting for my cousin and his 2 westies!!! That would be westhighland terriers,not the bogan sort!!! I have also brought my own westie with me,so have three of the little buggers to look after! Quiet a joy when they start barking at 3am!!! We are staying on the harbour and at the moment there are a lot of party boats cruising by at 1am with lots of loud music which sets the dogs off!
After a very hectic early december with ebayimg and orders it was so nice to take a break!We had all our christmas dinners early at home as we were going away,so had a pretty quiet christmas day here!Santa was good,i got a lot of lovely pressies,my fave being a thai street cooking cook book,as i just love Thai food and cooking! Looking forward to testing out recipes when i get home! I am off to Thailand again in 6 weeks,and am doing another cooking course,so can practice before hand!
Been chatting to my boy on skype over in Denmark,he has been away 5 weeks now,it has gone so quick! He is having a great time with his father,little brothers and sisters and grandparents and has been spoilt rotten!He had a white christmas,he was staying at the holiday house in Skagen,which is the most northern point in Denmark and at this time of year only gets a few hours of daylight!He was out for a walk ysterday and a seal just parked itself out of the water and came over to say hello!
He is back to Germany on Tuesday to finish of his school exchange,which he has enjoyed a lot!He has been on many excursions,one which was very sad,but enlightening,to a concentration camp,Buchenwald.As awful as it was,i think he learnt a lot,my grandfather spent 5 years in a concentration camp in Poland.It is very important that kids dont forget the atrocities that happened in world war 2,especially when family is involved.I felt very sad looking at the photos,i have included one,which particularly made me sad and brought tears to my eyes.
But on to a happier excursion, he is off to Paris next week,i am very jealous!!! They go for 6 days with school,i would love to join him!!I am so happy he has had this opportunity to go on exchange,it has cost a lot of money,lots of ebaying,but the experience will stay with him a lifetime and that is what counts! I am sure he will want to keep on travelling once he has finished school,i hope he takes a year off before going to uni and has a good break.
Anyway,i have probably waffled on enough here,i think bed is calling!!I am reading some good books,it is so nice being on holidays and having plenty of time to do nothing but veg out and read and sleep! I have even left all my sewing at home,but did bring my beads to do some jewellery!!
Will post some more soon and read some blogs!
Nighty night all!!
lesley : )