Hi Girls,been far to long since i last posted,i really dont know where time gets to!!My Germans left a week ago,i am missing them terribly!But do enjoy the less cooking cleaning washing chauffering,and yelling!!
But it is quiet around here!Have been able to start catching up on lots of things,nameley a good clean!I am decluttering in a very big way,all going on ebay!I know i have hoarding disease and am trying to get on top of it!Not as bad as my friend Kaz though who went through her linen press today and found baby cloth nappies,grow suits and baby toys! Her youngest is 12......
School holidays started today we have some big plans!Tulip festival,melbourne show,beach,catching up with friends,a drive to Warburton!So many nice things to do!And then when all that is over i have given myself a 5 day trip to Sydney the week school goes back!By myself!!!!Bliss........
Been doing a bit of redecorating,trying to organise my work studio which is a mess on steroids,not getting too far!Will post pics when finally sorted into something presentable!Also been tackling the garden which is 2 acres of jungle and stone!Making headway slowly!!Hubby has leave in a few weeks,we may try tackling the outside house painting and have to decide on colours as currently it is black and white!I may through some dark cream into the equation!
The kids had a good week of celebrity hunting!!My son had a good chat to Kevin 07 who turned up at his football grand final as they were against King Lake,who lost a lot of their town in the bushfires!!!Many thousands turned up which was nice!And then Daisy met Fifi Box doing sunrise weather up in our town on Monday!!!She was lovely and Daisy thought far more impressive than our prime minister!!!
Anyway,bette rget back to cooking dinner,tonight is a nice chilli meatball concarne concoction,which may or may not be fabulous!!!
I will put together a page soon of all my favourite recipes as i do love to cook and have some great ones hiding away!Budget and tasty!!!
Have a good weekend girls,here a few pics of current listings and weeks activities to keep you entertained!!
Lesley : )